Concluding 63 Years of Ministry


Dear Voice of Calvary Family,

When radio listeners in Pasadena, California first tuned in to Voice of Calvary on June 28th, 1942, Dr. Jack MacArthur was a young preacher just a few years out of seminary. As the pastor of Eagle Rock Baptist Church near Los Angeles, he felt the call to reach beyond his church to share God's Word. Concerning his decision to take to the airwaves, he would later write, "I felt that the Lord just opened a door and pushed me in."

That door remained open for over 63 years, and the radio and literature ministry of Voice of Calvary reached tens of thousands of men, women, and children with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ/ But now, with the homecoming of Dr. Jack on June 15th of the year 2005, the door has been shut. In the final months of 2005, Dr. Jack's messages were archived and sent to The Master's Seminary library, where they will be a resource for future generations of seminary students.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our Voice of Calvary family, for keeping this ministry alive. We also want to thank Voice of Calvary board president Patricia Stoner-Barnett for over 20 years of dedication to the organization, board member Steve Tetrick, part-time secretary Alisa Maricle, and program announcer Dave Weinkauf.

Our prayer is that as we conclude our broadcasts, the message of the Voice of Calvary will continue to bear fruit until the day our Lord comes to establish His eternal Kingdom.

In Him,

Janie Brown
Office Manager
Assistant to Dr. Jack MacArthur